Steps to change Dashboard Settings

Dashboard Settings allows a user to change the settings of the Dashboard from the list of Dashboards.

For Dashboard Settings, follow the steps below:

  • Click on the Component icon from the top right corner menu, a list of the available component will open up as follows:

  • Click on Component Icon from the list of the component into the dashboard, a configuration box would open as follows:

  • There are different option to customize dashboard below are a few options.
    1. In Name Option, dashboard name can be changed as desired.
    2. In Refresh Option, dashboard would be refreshed every time at selected interval.
    3. In the Background Color Option, the dashboard background color can be changed as desired.
    4. In Hide Tabs Option, dashboard tabs can be hidden.
    5. In Auto Load Option, dashboard can be loaded automatically.
    6. In Background Image Option, background image can be added to dashboard.
    7. Select Default tab from the dropdown, tab background, tab text color, tab content background, tab active background and tab active color.
    8. Copy to all means, these settings will be applied to all the tabs of the current layer.
    9. The user can select Default and Active Layer from the Layer properties
  • Click on button to see changes.