Working with Datasources in the AIV application
Datasource tab is the first sub-tab under the Master Data tab in AIV application.
Datasource tab enable users to create new datasource and connect to different data sources from the AIV application.
Datasource section of AIV application supports connection to external databases via the mode of following interfaces:-
- Big Query
- Custom
Datasource section of AIV application supports following external database management systems:-
- Oracle
- PostgreSQL
- HyperSQL
- MongoDB
- Hive
- Custom
Datasource tab can be accessed by clicking on Datasource
or by clicking on next to the Datasource tab, which will open the Datasource in a new tab. Datasources and other sections under the MasterData tab are only visible if the appropriate privileges have been assigned to the logged in user, please contact your administrator if you facing difficulties accessing the sections under the MasterData tab.
The primary purpose of the Datasource section to perform different functionalities related to reports such as: