Creating and opening a new Folder to store Shared Resources in the AIV application

Creating a folder

There are two ways in which a user can create a new folder in the AIV application.

  1. By clicking on the create icon next to the upload icon at the bottommost toolbar.
  2. By right clicking on any existing design or template on the shared resources page as follows:-

On clicking on create folder, following popup will be opened:-

In case of any further help, the user can click on the icon to access the AIV help documents.

Enter the name you want to give to your folder in the text area and click on create folder.

If the user is not satisfied and wants to cancel the create request, he can do this by clicking on the cancel button next to create or by clicking on button next to the icon.

Opening a Folder

There are two ways in which a user can open a folders in the AIV application:-

  1. On right clicking any of the existing folder and selecting Open Folder from context menu dropdown.
  2. By double-clicking the folder which you desire to open.