Cloning merge reports in the AIV application

Clone enable the user to make a new instance/copy of the selected file.To Clone Merge Report, follow these steps: (Only users with Merge Reports privilege have access to this section)

There are two ways in which a user can merge reports in the AIV application.

  1. By clicking on the clone icon next to the create icon at the bottommost toolbar.
  2. Right-click the desired merge report and select from the context menu as shown in the figure below:-

  • The following dialog box will open as a result of the above actions performed by the user:-

  • User have option to update the File Name.
  • You can also specify optional path where your cloned report will be saved.

  • Finally click on icon to finish creating a copy of selected Merge Report.
  • In case of any further help, the user can click on the icon to access the AIV help documents.
  • If the user is not satisfied and wants to cancel the clone request, he can do this by clicking on the cancel button next to clone or by clicking on button next to the icon.

In this manner,you can clone your merge reports in the AIV application.